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Police Academy

Rules and Regulations





This document contains the rules and regulations of the Gloucester County Police Academy, operated by Rowan College of South Jersey, in conjunction with the Gloucester County Police Academy Advisory Board, for trainees. The Director of the Police Academy or his/her designee will reserve the right to amend, revoke or add to the rules and regulations contained herein. All prior rules and regulations issued that conflict with the rules and regulations contained herein are hereby revoked to the extent of any such inconsistency.



The rules and regulations are applicable to all trainees, including Special Law Enforcement Officers.



A copy of the rules and regulations shall be provided to the trainees. The trainees will be responsible to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations contained herein.  Once provided to the trainee, all additions, revisions, and revocations will be the responsibility of the trainee to adhere to same.   






            2.1.1   Trainees are required to be capable of performing certain functions

            while attending the police academy without posing a direct threat to their own health and safety, or that of others. Trainees who are aware of any reason they are incapable of performing any essential or required functions without posing a direct threat to their own health and safety, or that of others, shall notify a member of the academy staff.  Trainees who are aware of, or recognize another trainee experiencing a diminished mental capacity, shall immediately notify a member of the academy staff. The academy, in turn, reserves the right to take appropriate action in such circumstances, which may include deeming the trainee unfit for duty to perform the essential functions required by the New Jersey Police Training Commission. If the trainee is deemed unfit for duty, the sending agency will be notified for appropriate action. 




2.2.1   Trainees will understand the physical problems that typically affect

trainees and law enforcement officers. The trainee shall be able to assess his/her own physical condition and develop a physical fitness program designed to prevent health problems. Throughout training, the trainees shall utilize proper nutrition to maintain good health. The trainees shall be required to have proper rest and take all means necessary to keep their bodies in good health.

            2.2.2   Proper hydration before, during and after physical activity is critical

            to the health and safety of each trainee.  Every trainee is different and may require different levels of hydration. It is the responsibility of every trainee to maintain proper hydration levels to remain healthy and have optimal performance. If, at any time, a recruit notices a deviation in their normal health or physical condition, they shall cease any activity and immediately notify an academy staff member. Trainees are responsible  to immediately report any color change in their urine, specifically, if their urine becomes darker in color. Trainees are responsible to immediately report if they are unable or stop voiding urine.

2.2.3   All trainees shall immediately notify an academy staff member of any injury, illness or symptom(s) that affects their normal bodily function. All trainees shall have a responsibility to report any trainee who is experiencing any injury, illness, or symptom(s) that affects their normal bodily condition.         

2.2.4  All trainees are required to fully participate in and meet the requirements of the physical training segments that have been established by the Police Training Commission. A trainee who misses more than 20% of the total number of physical training sessions of the course will be subject to dismissal.

2.2.5   All trainees are required to participate in 80% of the physical training sessions. If a trainee is unable to perform in a training session, they will be given a “0" for non-participation. If a trainee partially participates in a training session, the trainee will be given a “0" for the day. If a PT Instructor believes that the trainee is not given the required effort, the instructor may give the trainee a “0" for the day.

            2.2.6   There is no “Light Duty". A trainee is either fully cleared to           

                        for physical training or unfit to participate.


3.0      CONDUCT


3.1      PROCEDURE

Discipline at the Gloucester County Police Academy will be integrated into all phases of basic police training.  The objective is to assist in developing high standards of personal appearance, self-control, conduct, cleanliness, military bearing and to foster a sense of responsibility and integrity in the basic police trainee.


3.2      CONDUCT

            It is the policy of the Gloucester County Police Academy that the conduct of all trainees shall be respectful, courteous, and consistent with the ethical standards consistent with the values and expectations established by this academy. The trainees will follow specific rules, regulations and conduct established in this document. The trainees will be responsible for any behavior which impairs the discipline and good order of the academy. The actions below will not be tolerated:


3.2.1    Insubordination

          1. Failure to obey a lawful order;
          2. Failure to submit to authority;
          3. Use of any Disrespectful or abusive language towards a person of authority.

3.2.2    Unwarranted assumption of authority

3.2.3    Hazing

3.2.4    Malingering

3.2.5    Quarreling

3.2.6    Inattention

3.2.7    Unpreparedness

3.2.8    Boisterousness

3.2.9    Impolite or discourteous to an instructor, staff, or others

3.2.10 Telling or covering falsehoods

3.2.11 Cheating and/or plagiarizing

3.2.12 Indecent exposure

        1. Careless Act
        2. Intentional Act 

3.2.13 Fraternization

        1. No trainee shall fraternize with any member of the

                                                             academy staff and/or any instructors.
        2. No trainee shall be involved in a romantic relationship

          with another trainee while in the academy. If the trainees are involved in a dating relationship prior to the start of a basic class, the trainees must disclose this information immediately. If a prior romantic relationship exists, one of the two trainees must withdraw from the academy.  If both trainees refuse to withdraw, both will be dismissed from the academy.
        3. Trainees shall have a duty to report any unauthorized

          fraternization as outlined above.
        4. A romantic relationship shall be characterized by a

          level of personal affection and familiarity not typically shared by trainees in the academy setting and involving, but not limited to, dating, physical intimacy, sexual activity, and/or other similar behaviors.  

3.2.14 Breach of confinement or restriction

3.2.15 Sleeping while in attendance of a police academy function

3.2.16  Possessing, displaying, or distributing sexual, unethical, or inappropriate material.

3.2.17 Careless and/or malicious damage to any academy or college property or conspiracy to commit the same

3.2.18 Assaults

3.2.19 Possessing, Displaying, or Distributing any weapon of any

kind not authorized by the academy, including the facilitation of such weapon for another.

3.2.20 Conspiracy to harm another

3.2.21 Theft

3.2.22 Falsifying reports

3.2.23 Having visitors without permission

3.2.24 Disorderly behavior including horseplay

3.2.25 Leaving the academy without permission (AWOL)

3.2.26 Tardiness

3.2.27 Present in a restricted area

3.2.28 Out of uniform

3.2.29 Littering

3.2.30 Smoking/Vaping/or possession of other Tobacco products while on campus

3.2.31 Profanity

3.2.32 Loitering

3.2.33 Sexual harassment

3.2.34 Acting, creating, or participating in biased behavior including, but not limited to, verbal or written expression

3.2.35 Possessing, displaying, or distributing any material that may be construed as biased behavior

3.2.36 Possessing, displaying, or distributing any weapon while on campus, whether it is on their person or in their means of conveyance

3.2.37 Unauthorized use of academy issued identification, uniform, or equipment

3.2.38 Permitting the unauthorized photograph of oneself in the academy uniform or any part of the academy uniform

3.2.39 Representing oneself as a member of the academy for the purpose of soliciting favors, influence, special privilege, or compensation

3.2.40  Failure to obey the college rules as they apply to vehicle operations, parking, registration, etc.

3.2.41 Conduct unbecoming a police recruit-all recruits shall not conduct themselves in a manner on or off duty that:

        1. Casts doubt on their integrity, honesty, moral    

                      judgement, or character;
        2. Discredits the academy; or
        3. Impairs the academy's efficient and effective


3.2.42 Uttering a threat

3.2.43 Dishonesty

3.2.44 Neglect of Duty

        1. Without delay, all trainees shall perform their duties

          faithfully and diligently and shall take responsibility for and exhibit attentiveness, care, and thoroughness in assignments and responsibilities.

3.2.45 Withholding information/Duty to Report

        1. All trainees shall fully cooperate in any investigation

initiated by this academy or other authorized agency and shall not attempt to conceal, divert culpability.

3.2.46 Retaliation

        1. No trainee shall take any action or engage in any

          conduct with the intention to retaliate against any trainee(s) or academy staff member.
      1. Duty to Intervene
        1. Trainees shall intervene to prevent or stop

          wrongdoing by another trainee when it is safe and reasonable to do so.
      2. Use, possession, or being under the influence of illegal drugs, intoxicants or alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
        1. Any trainee who exhibits any evidence of being under

          the influence of illegal drugs, intoxicants or alcoholic beverages will be dismissed from the academy.
        2. While in a basic training course/SLEO II training

          course, trainees will be required to submit to one or more urine specimens. Trainees shall be required to submit a urine specimen when there exists reasonable suspicion to believe that the trainee is illegally using drugs. Should a trainee refuse to submit to a urine sample or produce a positive result for an illegal drug(s), he/she will be dismissed from the academy.
        3. All random drug testing and reasonable suspicion

          drug testing shall be in accordance with the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General's Drug Testing Policy.
      3. Confidentiality
        1. Trainees shall keep all police academy information    

          confidential unless disclosure is necessary to perform their duties as a police academy recruit or employee.
        2. Trainees shall not disclose police academy activities

with outside agencies unless directed by academy personnel or their departmental leadership. 

            4.0       DUTY TO REPORT


4.1       Reporting Violations of the rules and regulations, academy standards and

code of ethics:

4.1.1   Trainees must report any/all law enforcement involvement, contacts, or incidents, including, but not limited to, motor vehicle stops, summonses, arrests, motor vehicle crashes, etc.

            4.1.2   Trainees knowing of other trainees who are violating any rule or

regulation(s), academy standards and/or code of ethics, shall report same to the Lead Instructor, Training Coordinator, or the Director. If the trainee believes that that the information is of such gravity that it must be reported immediately, the chain of command may be bypassed.




            5.1       Duty to Notify

                        5.1.1   Duty to Notify about prescription/non-prescription medication;

                                    Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. §12112,

(“ADA") trainees of the academy shall disclose to the Director or his/her designee when they are taking medication (prescription or non-prescription) that may affect their ability to perform the essential functions at the academy, including, but not limited to, qualifying with a firearm, operating a motor vehicle for EVOC, participating in Defensive Tactics (DT), academics and daily physical fitness training

            5.1.2   All trainees shall also disclose the expected duration of their use of

such medication. In certain circumstances, the academy reserves the right to require medical clearance from a doctor before allowing the trainee to return. The academy reserves the right to take appropriate action in the case of any trainee who is impaired while on campus for any reason, including the use of prescription or non-prescription medication, who has failed to give proper advance notification.

            5.1.3   All trainees shall disclose and request permission to be in

possession of any prescription or non-prescription medication while attending a police academy function.




Personal appearance should be a matter of pride and respect.  There is no excuse for personal uncleanliness.  Any deviation from the policy below must be approved by the Director or Training Coordinator. 


          6.1       Trainees shall be clean shaven. The Director or his/her designee (Training Coordinator) are the only persons permitted to deviate from this policy.

6.2       No cosmetics may be worn.

6.3       Fingernails shall be clean and trimmed.

6.4       Fingernails shall not extend beyond the tips of the fingers.

6.5       No fingernail polish shall be worn.

6.6       No jewelry (including body piercings) or earrings are permitted.

6.7       Male trainees must shave their entire scalp daily.

6.8       Female trainee's hair must be styled to prevent hanging down beyond the

top edge of the uniform collar to a point 1" above the collar.  Hair must be sufficiently short to facilitate the wearing of a “cover" (cap) in accordance with academy rules governing the wearing of a cover. All hair in the front shall be able to be kept underneath the cover (cap).  The length, bulk or appearance of the trainee's hair shall not be excessive or unkempt. If any dispute arises over the length of a trainee's hair, the class coordinator and/or academy director shall make the final determination as to the proper length of hair.

6.9       No ribbons, bows or other ornaments shall be worn in the trainee's hair

except for inconspicuous bobby pins or conservative barrettes, which blend in with their hair color.

    1. Hair coloring, if used, must appear natural.
    2. Wigs, falls, or hair pieces are not permitted.      
    3. Any male or female trainee who wears contact lenses is to notify the  

      Director or Training Coordinator and all instructors before the start of any physical and/or Defensive Tactics (DT) training.
    4. After physical training, the trainees are required to shower and report to

      formation/inspection in their required uniform.


7.0       UNIFORM 


Any deviation from the policy below must be approved by the Director or Training Coordinator. 


7.1       Navy blue khaki shirts, khaki trousers, blue baseball cap (Academy issue), black shoes, black socks, and black belt are the only authorized uniform.

7.2       The trainee's uniform (blue khaki uniform) shall be neatly pressed with creases on the uniform shirt (two in front and three in the rear).

            7.2.1   Creases on both pockets shall be centered.

           7.2.2   One crease in center of back and two approx. 4-5" from both shoulder of sleeve.                      

7.3       Black tie:  A necktie will be worn at all times with the long sleeve shirt. The tie will be a black clip-on type and shall be tucked in between the second and third button of the shirt (from neck down).    

7.4      Black, low quarter shoes are to be worn during all Academy functions, except physical training and defense tactics classes, when sneakers may be worn.  Shoes will not be adorned with buckles or insignias and are to be of the type requiring laces; no loafers or combat boots are permitted. An instructor, training coordinator or academy director may change the footwear to coordinate with the block of instruction or training.

7.5       Every trainee is required to have a raincoat or other suitable raingear available to them at all times, either in their private automobile or in their respective lockers.  No umbrellas are permitted.

7.6       The Academy Director will designate the uniform to be worn by the trainee.  All Class A uniform shirts will be long sleeved. The Academy Director will make the decision and specify same to the trainee's department head when he notifies him/her of the trainee's police academy acceptance.

7.7       Soiled or untidy clothing will not be tolerated.

7.8       Shoes and all leather equipment are to be shined and clean at all times.


NOTE:  Exceptions may be made to the above by the Academy Director, Training Coordinator, or a lead instructor(s) who is/are performing Physical Fitness, Defensive Tactics, Firearms or EVOC instruction.


8.0       COURTESY


8.1       Every trainee should address others as Sir or Ma'am, as the circumstances warrant, on        every possible occasion, such as - Yes, Sir - No, Sir-Yes, Ma'am-No, Ma'am, etc. (In any class or instruction, "Sir, Yes Sir", “Ma'am, no Ma'am" shall always be used).

8.2       Use the proper salutation when addressing or being addressed by persons in authority.

8.3       Assume the position of attention when sitting or standing when properly commanded.

8.4       Covers (caps), which will be blue, will not be worn indoors.  When entering a building, covers shall be properly folded and placed inside the recruit's pants at the small of their back.

8.5       Address each other properly.

8.6       Make way for authorized persons.

8.7       Maintain good posture at all times.

8.8      Introduce yourself when addressing a person to whom you are unknown.

8.9       Call attention whenever the situation warrants the command.  Example:  Whenever a commissioned officer of any department of the rank of Lieutenant or above enters any classroom, the class will be brought to attention by the first person who observes their entrance. If seated, you will remain seated but come to a seated attention, with head high,

facing forward, both feet flat on the floor, back straight and hands placed flat, palms down on desk.  NOTE:  This will only apply when class is NOT in session.

8.10    During class, trainees are to await recognition before speaking. Unauthorized speaking and/or questioning is not permitted.  Proper decorum shall be exercised at all times during class.




9.1       Morning roll call and formation will be held in an area designated by the Academy Director or a member of his/her staff. The flag will be present at this morning formation and at all formations.  During the raising of the flag at morning roll call, the trainees will be at attention.  Morning inspections and any other inspections will be held at a location designated by the Academy Director or a member of his/her staff. The class leader will be required to perform a cursory inspection of the class prior to any formal inspection.

9.2       Prior to the start of the day, it shall be the responsibility of the class leader to take the roll (Attendance record) and certify said attendance and absences of all trainees.

9.3       Whenever any commissioned officer of or above the rank of Lieutenant is present in uniform, or any member of the academy staff is present at any roll call, formation, or inspection, the class leader will, while keeping the trainees at attention, make his/her report to the said commissioned officer or staff member, and he/she will salute said commissioned officer or staff member upon making said report. He/she will not dismiss his/her formation until directed to do so by said commissioned officer or staff member.

9.4       At the time of the morning formation and roll call, the flag will be saluted as it is hoisted (Reveille).

9.5       During EXTREME inclement weather, formations will be held indoors at a location designated by the Academy Director, Training Coordinator, or lead instructor. Prior to class commencing, the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited.

9.6       All trainees will be in formation at least two (2) minutes before the class leader calls them to attention at the specified hour or other specified time.

9.7       All trainees will assemble prior to formation at an area so designated by the Academy Director, Training Coordinator, or lead instructor.

9.8       Trainees will always keep to the right, either indoors or outdoors, and will not walk more than two (2) abreast, unless ordered otherwise.  Example:  You may be required to walk single file when indoors due to limitation of space.

9.9       Carelessness in controlling formation will not be tolerated.

9.10    No speaking in formation unless addressed by the class leader or others in authority.

9.11    No trainee will leave ranks without permission. All trainees will exit the

            ranks from the rear.

9.12    Anyone late for formation will be disciplined.

9.13    Tardiness will not be tolerated for formation, class, roll call, assembly, inspection or any other assignment or function.

9.14    The trainees will march to and from locations unless ordered otherwise by

            the lead instructor, Training Coordinator or Academy Director. 

9.15    Trainees will not congregate in halls, foyer, or other off-limit areas.

9.16    Smoking/Vaping or the use of tobacco products will not be permitted on campus or at any other academy function.

9.17    No food or drinks will be permitted at any formation unless authorized by

            an academy staff member.





10.0    CLASSROOM(S):


10.1    Food will be permitted in the classroom when authorized by an academy staff member. Water bottles will be permitted in the classrooms to ensure proper hydration. Students will not chew gum while on college grounds.

10.2    Upon entering classroom, go immediately to your seat.  If an instructor, commissioned officer of the rank of Lieutenant or above, or any other member of the academy staff is present, remain standing until ordered to be seated.  If none are present, immediately take your seat (be seated).

10.3    Everyone will be seated and silent upon the hour without the direction of the instructor, whether he/she is present or not.

10.4    Break periods will be given by the instructor.

10.5    Everyone will congregate at the designated area(s) when taking breaks.

10.6    When the command, attention, is given at any time, trainee(s), while seated, will assume the seated position of attention.  Sit erect, feet flat on the floor, knees together with hands placed flat, palms down, on the desk.

10.7    Chairs, desks and other materials will always remain in an aligned     position.

10.8    You are always to pay full attention to the instructor. 

10.9    Assume proper posture at all times.

10.10  If it is impossible to stay awake, ask the instructor to excuse you momentarily; you are to stand at the rear of the room.

10.11  Raise your right hand to make inquiry of the instructor.

10.12  Do not leave clothing, books, material(s), or equipment in the classroom overnight without securing the classroom.

10.13  Do not approach the podium unless permission is given to do so.

10.14  Every trainee is responsible to read the information on the bulletin board daily.

10.15  Follow all instructions for the submission of documents, papers, examinations, etc.

10.16  Discard all unauthorized papers, documents, etc., in the proper receptacles.

10.17  Police all areas upon completion of your use.

10.18  If any trainee has a valid reason for leaving the room, raise your right hand and wait to be excused by the instructor or other authorized person in charge.




11.1    A trainee who reports in sick is to notify their respective department head, police academy staff (voice mail message) and squad leader/class leader, no later than one (1) hour prior to the normal start of class.

11.2    Any trainee who reports in sick, shall submit, upon return:

                        11.2.1 Trainees shall provide a medical certificate from a licensed

                        physician in this State denoting the cause of said illness, unless otherwise instructed by the Academy Director, Training Coordinator, or designee.  So as not to cause any confusion, it is imperative that the medical certificate state that the trainee is AUTHORIZED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL PHASES OF THE GLOUCESTER COUNTY POLICE ACADEMY'S PHYSICAL TRAINING PROGRAM WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS.  For the physician to make a proper assessment, a copy of the Gloucester County Police Academy's physical training exercises shall be given to the attending physician by the trainee in question.

            11.2.2When required, a trainee shall have a licensed physician in this State complete a NJ Police Training Commission Medical Certification Form (PTC-8). The trainee shall ensure that the physician completes the form in its entirety, including, the clearance determination, physician's signature, and license #.

11.3    Every effort is to be made to reduce the risk and hazards of injury. There is to be no horseplay whatsoever.

11.4    Any injury/illness is to be reported to the lead instructor immediately.

11.5    Every injury will be investigated by the academy staff. If it is determined that the injury occurred as the result of any infraction, appropriate action will be taken.




12.1      No trainee will leave academy grounds, any classroom or any other   

            assignment without permission from the academy staff.

12.2      The Chief or OIC of the trainee's department must authorize any absence,     except in cases of emergency, or illness/injury.

12.3      All leave/absence requests are to be submitted in writing to the Academy

    Director or his/her designee (training coordinator).

12.4      All personal leave/absences will not be approved for personal business                                                                                                                                                                               

            unless first authorized by the trainee's department.

12.5      Unauthorized absence(s) may result in dismissal.



    1. Trainees must participate in all phases of training. 90% attendance is 

          required for the academic portion of training.
    2. Any trainee who misses more than 20% of physical training due to

                      illness/injury will be subject to dismissal. 
    3. Any trainee who is off because of Gloucester County holidays or for any

other valid reason shall notify his/her Chief or commanding officer.

13.4    Any trainee who misses an entire functional area of instruction may be subject to dismissal. When extenuating circumstances exist, the Academy Director shall have the right to re-schedule the training. 




14.1    A chain of command is hereby established, as follows:

      1. No student will approach the Academy Director, Training Coordinator, his/her office, or his/her office staff without first obtaining permission to do so from his/her squad leader.  The squad leader will then request permission from the class leader.  Lastly, the class leader will request permission from the lead instructor. If there is an emergency or exigent circumstance, a recruit may go directly to the academy Director or Training Coordinator.




15.1    Each class will be equally divided and will consist of a squad leader(s), according to the size of the class.

15.2    The squad leader(s) shall be responsible for the overall conduct of the trainees.  He/she will see that formations are called on time and that each trainee is present. Any absence will be reported to the class leader.

15.3    It shall be the responsibility of the squad leader to see that all trainees are present and seated in the classroom on time.

15.4    The squad leader will be responsible to see that all areas are properly policed before trainees leave the scene.

15.5    The squad leader(s) will refer all infractions to the class leader.

15.6    The squad leader(s) will be appointed by a member of the academy staff and may be removed from the assignment at any time.




16.1    The class leader will be directly responsible for the academy class.

16.2    He/she will pass on all infractions reported to him/her by the squad leaders.

16.3    He/she will refer any trainee to the Academy Director or a member of his/her staff, who he/she feels, in his/her opinion, is derelict in his/her individual responsibilities.

16.4    The class leader will conduct the Pledge of Allegiance whenever the morning formation is held indoors.

16.5    The class leader will be responsible for the morning formation and roll call, and whenever same is held outdoors, will be responsible for the flag raising detail.

16.6    The class leader will be responsible for all roll calls and will make his report to the lead instructor or his/her designee.

16.7    The class leader will be responsible for calling the class to order and attention and will report same to a member of the academy staff by saying, "Sir, Class #____ is ready for instruction."  The class leader will then command seats.  After the class is seated, a member of the academy staff will introduce the instructor.

16.8    The class leader will be appointed by a member of the academy staff and may be removed from the assignment at any time.




            17.1    A formal, in ranks inspection will be conducted each day by a member of

                        the academy staff or the Academy Director.

            17.2    Any deficiencies noted during inspection or during the trainee's stay at the

                        academy will be noted and placed in the record.




18.1    All areas of the Law and Justice Education Center are off-limits to the basic police, SLEO I and SLEO II trainees, except the classrooms, auditorium, halls leading to the classrooms, cafeteria, gymnasium building, assembly area, and formation areas.

18.2    Trainees are not permitted in the general office area except on official business and when permission has been previously granted by a class leader or member of the academy staff. Trainees on official business will report to the main entrance of the general office and will await permission to enter. The academy staff will always receive proper courtesies.




19.1    If an instructor/academy staff member calls a recruit into their office, or if

you need to speak to an instructor/academy staff member, you will strike the outside wall three (3) times with the palm of your hand and state, "Sir/Ma'am", Recruit___________requests permission to speak to instructor____________ or Director _________, and wait for response.  Once you enter the office, you will center yourself at the desk and stand approximately three feet from the same.  You will state, "Sir/Ma'am, Recruit_____________, reporting as ordered, sir/ma'am."  Once you have completed your task, you shall take one step back and state a proper greeting, i.e., "Morning, Sir/Ma'am", execute an about face, and exit the office.


20.0      GIFTS/AWARDS


20.1    No gift or award will be given to any member of the academy staff, by any trainee or group of trainees, except certificates of appreciation. Fundraising of any kind is prohibited unless approved by the Director.  


21.0      PUBLICITY


21.1    Trainees may identify themselves as trainees of the police academy. However, trainees shall not use or refer to their police academy affiliation for purposes of furthering or gaining advantage in personal pursuits or for any other reason that has or reasonably may have an adverse impact on the Gloucester County Police Academy.  All trainees shall not represent any police academy uniform or functions on social media unless authorized by the director or his/her designee (Training Coordinator). The academy director shall determine whether a trainees' conduct has violated this standard contained herein.  Nothing herein is meant to prevent action authorized by N.J.S.A. 45:17A-18 et seq. or the New Jersey Constitution.


22.0      NOTEBOOKS


22.1    Trainees will maintain a notebook covering the courses of instruction.  The notebook will be inspected from time-to-time by member(s) of the academy staff.  The notebook will be noted for its neatness and contents.


23.0    FIREARMS 


23.1    No firearms are permitted on the campus grounds at any time unless specifically approved by the Director.




      1. All trainees who are operating any vehicle shall possess a valid driver's license.
      2. A trainee shall notify the Director, Training Coordinator, or Lead Instructor of any driver's license or registration status change.
      3. All vehicles operated by a trainee shall be properly inspected (by NJ MVC), registered and insured.
    2. PARKING
      1. Trainees will park all vehicles in the designated student parking area. A trainee shall not park any vehicle in designated reserved parking spaces assigned to law enforcement officials, college staff or other personnel.
      1. All trainees shall abide by all motor vehicle laws while on campus or engaged in any academy activity.

      1. Prior to any trainee operating a department vehicle, the trainee shall ensure that all weapons/ammunition are removed from the vehicle. All loose items in the trunk shall be removed or secured.
      2. All department vehicles that are operated in EVOC or at any other academy function shall have proper insurance, registration and possess a valid inspection sticker.
      3. Prior to EVOC operation, all trainees shall ensure that a “Mechanical Certification Form" has been completed and the vehicle to be operated has been inspected according to the listed PTC standards. 
      4. The “Mechanical Certification Form" shall be submitted one business day prior to the start of practical training. The Trainee shall bring a copy of the “Mechanical Certification Form" to the first day of practical training.
      5. The Mechanic Certification and trainee shall ensure shall that: 
        1. All brakes shall have at least 75% of shoe and/or pad material on all four wheels.
        2. Vehicle must be equipped with (4) police rated tires with a minimum of 75% tread depth and properly inflated to 40 PSI.
        3. All vehicles must be equipped with one new tire, jack/lug wrench, 1 gallon of anti-freeze, one quart of oil, and a full tank of gas each day.




25.1      Trainees may not receive personal phone calls on academy phones

    except in emergency situations.

25.2      No cell phones or other devices on the premises will be tolerated.

23.3    Trainees must report any/all law enforcement contact, involvement, or incidents, including, but not limited to, motor vehicle stops, summons, arrests, motor vehicle crashes, or any other interactions with law enforcement.  All incidents shall be immediately reported to the lead instructor or his/her designee. A written report shall be submitted to the Academy Director and the Training Coordinator by the end of the next class day.

25.4    Prior to the date of graduation, class parties, functions or events are


    1. For administrative purposes, the academy will be considered the “sending

    agency/department" for Alternate Route trainees.




26.1      Waiver trainees must adhere to all rules and regulations set forth

    above and carry themselves in a professional manner.

26.2      Waiver trainees must attend all coursework prescribed by the Police

    Training Commission and shall not miss any required instruction.

26.3      All waiver trainees must pass the academic requirements as outlined in

                this document.         

26.4      As of February 1, 2023, all waiver trainees shall be instructed in 80 hours   

    of defensive tactics and pass all of the requirements set forth by the Police

    Training Commission.

26.5      Waiver recruits shall not wear a police uniform (Class “A"/“B" uniform). 

26.6      The director or his/her designee shall  designate the appropriate dress      

    requirements that shall be worn.  

    Sneakers, jeans, leggings, and t-shirts are not permitted. Instructors may

change the required attire with the approval of the director or his/her designee.

26.7      Waiver recruits are not permitted to wear their weapon while attending       

    academy classes.

    1. Waiver recruits shall not congregate in the hallways/atrium.
    2. Waiver recruits shall not be in possession of cell phones or any other

                      unapproved electronic devices.
    3. Eating, smoking or tobacco products are not permitted on campus. 
    4. The director shall have the discretion to require all waivers appearance to

    be in accordance with that of police recruits.

26.12  Waivers shall not interact with any basic police trainees.



27.1      In-service attendees must adhere to all police academy rules and


      1. Any misconduct as determined by the director or his/her designee

may lead to withdrawal from the training.

27.2      In-service attendees shall wear 'A,' 'B,' 'C' uniforms (training uniform-

BDU's and collared shirt) or business casual attire. Jeans, leggings, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, or non-traditional footwear is not permitted. 

    1. Training is considered on-duty and all of your SOP's and rules and

          regulations while in attendance.
    2. Smoking or tobacco use is not permitted.
    3. Timeliness and attendance are required to receive credit/certification.
    4. If you are unable to attend, you or your department shall notify the   

          academy staff.
    5. The academy reserves the right to charge full tuition for non-attendance

          without proper notification.
    6. The academy reserves the right to deny acceptance from any department

          or attendee.
    7. In-service attendees shall utilize parking lot D only.
    8. In-service attendees shall not interact with any police trainees, enter or

    linger around any training areas. 




27.1    Follow all instructions, regulations, and procedures for submission of

    papers pertaining to examinations.

    1. Discard all unauthorized papers, symbols, etc., during examinations.
    2. Do not talk or gesture during examinations.
    3. If you have any question(s), raise your right hand to gain the instructor's

    1. Any recruit found to be cheating shall be dismissed from the academy.




28.1    BASIS FOR DISMISSAL (including but not limited to:)


      1. Failure to comply with the 90% attendance rule.
      2. Failure to fully participate in at least of 80% of all scheduled physical conditioning sessions.
      3. Failure to qualify on the firearms range with an average score of

        80% (average) of three consecutive firings (after remedial, if necessary).
      4. Failure to pass an examination after remedial test.
      5. Failure to score a 100% on Critical Performance Objectives.
      6. Violation of academy rules and regulations.


28.2    BASIS FOR SUSPENSION (including but limited to:)


                  28.2.1 Any infraction of the rules and regulations.

                  28.2.2 All suspensions are immediate, pending a hearing to be conducted

as outlined in item 4 below, to determine if the trainee is to return to recruit status or be dismissed.

      1. See Appendix I (Trainee Certification Requirements)



28.3.1 The trainee's department will be notified of the trainee's


28.3.2 The trainee will be directed to the office of the chief of police of his appointing department.

      1. The trainee's overall rating will be considered when any consideration or recommendation is made for suspension.
      2. Any violations of academy rules and regulations will be referred to the appropriate department head of the department sponsoring the student involved for additional disciplinary action.
      3. Any trainee who receives ten (10) demerits may be subject to immediate suspension.
      4. Any trainee who receives ten (10) demerits will be granted a hearing before the Academy Director, and a member of the Gloucester County Police Academy Advisory Board.  Their decision will be final.  The NJ PTC will be notified of all suspensions.           



Students who receive demerits for an infraction of the rules and regulations will be required to write reports related to the topic of the infraction.  Each demerit will require a one (1) page hand-printed or typewritten report, i.e., 1 demerit=1-page report: 2 demerits=2-page report.

Insubordination3-10Written Report to Dismissal
Unwarranted assumption of authority1-5Written Report
Hazing1-10Written Report to Dismissal
Malingering1-5Written Report
Quarreling1-5Written Report
Inattention1-5Written Report
Unpreparedness1-5Written Report
Appearance and Cleanliness1-2Written Report
Boisterousness1-5Written Report
Impoliteness/Discourteous1-5Written Report
Failure to Notify1-10Written Report to Dismissal
Absent With Out Leave (AWOL)5-10Suspension to Dismissal
Lying, Dishonesty, Telling or Covering Falsehoods7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Cheating and/or Plagiarizing7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Indecent Exposure (Intentional)7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Indecent Exposure (Careless)1-5Written Report to Dismissal
Fraternization with Academy staff member/instructor or with another trainee.1-10

Written Report to


Breach of Confinement or Restriction1-2Written Report
Sleeping while in attendance at an academy function1-3Written Report

Possessing, displaying, or distributing sexual or unethical or inappropriate material. 


1-5Written Report to Dismissal
Careless Damage to any academy or college property1-3Pay for property, Written Report to Dismissal
Malicious Damage to any academy or college property7-10Pay for Property, Suspension to Dismissal
Assaults7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Possessing, displaying, or distributing any weapon, of any kind, not authorized by the academy including the facilitation of such weapon to another5-10Written Report to Dismissal
Conspiracy to harm another7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Theft7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Falsifying Reports10Dismissal
Having visitors without permission1-3Written Report
Disorderly Behavior/Horseplay
1-3Written Report
Leaving the academy w/out permission1-3Written Report to Dismissal
Tardiness1-3Written Report
Present in a restricted area without prior permission1-3Written Report
Out of Uniform 1-3Written Report
Littering1-3Written Report
Smoking/Vaping 3-5Written Report to Suspension
Profanity1-5Written Report
Loitering1-3Written Report
Sexual Harassment10Dismissal
Acting, Creating or Participating in a Bias behavior7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Possessing, Displaying, or Distributing any material that may be construed as bias behavior7-10Suspension to Dismissal
Unauthorized use of academy issued ID, uniform, or equipment1-10Suspension to Dismissal
Permitting the unauthorized photograph of oneself in the academy uniform, or parts of the academy uniform.5-10Written Report to Dismissal
Representing oneself as a member of the academy for the purpose of soliciting favors, influence, special privilege, or compensation5-10

Written Report

to Dismissal

Failure to obey all college rules as they apply to vehicle operations, parking, registration, etc.3-5Written Report to Dismissal
Conduct unbecoming a police recruit-any act that is deemed to be prejudicial to good order and discipline.1-10Written Report to Dismissal
Uttering a Threat1-10Written Report to Dismissal
Neglect of Duty1-10

Written Report to


Withholding information1-10Written Report to Dismissal
Retaliation5-10Suspension to Dismissal
Reporting violation of the rules and regulations, academy standards and code of ethics1-10Written
Use, possession, or being under the influence of illegal drugs, intoxicants, or alcoholic beverages, or failing to submit to urine test7-10

Suspension to Dismissal


Dismissal for refusal to submit to a urine test

Taking prescription or other medication while at the police academy or academy function (including failure to disclose) 1-10Written Report to Dismissal
Confidentiality1-10Written Report to Dismissal

NOTE:  A violation notice may be issued in lieu of a demerit and may be removed from the student record at the discretion of the director, or a notice may be changed to a demerit.




            29.1    Testing and Attendance-Each trainee must fulfill the following

         requirements to obtain police training commission certification:

            29.1.1 A trainee must achieve a minimum score of 70% in written

examinations for each of the functional areas comprising the Basic Course for Police Officers. A high score in one functional area cannot be used to offset a failing score in another.

            29.1.2 The trainee must achieve a minimum score of 70 % in written

examinations for the First Responder (EMR) Instructional area. (CPR is separate).

            29.1.3 Specific performance objectives have been identified as critical

performance objectives and a trainee must achieve a minimum score of 100% on the written examinations. When demonstrating physical competency, the trainee must satisfy complete competency to the satisfaction of the instructor.

            29.1.4 A trainee must achieve a minimum score of 80% in the instructional

                        unit for Use of Force.

            29.1.5 A trainee must achieve an average score of 80% for three

                        consecutive firings of HQC:

  • 3-60 round courses of fire=180
  • 80% of 180=144
  • 144/3= 48 (48 average for each round)

            29.1.6 All trainees must achieve a minimum score of 100% in the Firearms

                        Safety Exam.

          29.1.7 All trainees must participate in 80% of physical conditioning

Sessions.  Any Basic Course for Police Officers must contain no less than 40 physical fitness sessions per PTC policy.

                      29.1.8 All trainees must participate at least 90% of total instructional


29.2  Failure of Examinations

          29.2.1 If a trainee fails a written examination or is unable to achieve an

acceptable degree of proficiency in a physical skill, the Academy Director shall ensure that:

                        The trainee is informed of the failure and its


                        The examination is reviewed with the trainee and

                                                identify the cause of the failure, if possible. The trainee shall be guided on potential corrections to improve on the remedial examination.

                        The discussion was documented and signed by

                                                the Academy Director and the trainee.

                        All re-examinations shall permit at least one full day

                                                for further study. The re-examination should be

                                                similar, but not identical, to the original examination. 

If a trainee fails the re-examination, the Academy         Director will notify the Police Training Commission, the trainee, and the appointing authority (sending department/agency).  The trainee will be subsequently dismissed from the academy. 

29.3    Basic Course Failure

            29.3.1 If a trainee fails the Basic Course for Police Officers, the Police

Training Commission will notify the appointing authority (sending department/agency) of the failure.  The appointing authority will be informed that it may exercise one of the following options:          Request that the officer be retrained in a future

                        Course. This retraining must be completed within the                         statutory time period (NJSA 52:17B-69/Probationary,

                        Temporary Appointment as Police Officer).          Appeal the failure to the Academy Director/Police

                        Training Commission.          Dismiss the trainee from the agency.


30.0    INSTRUCTORS     


            30.1    Certification Requirement  (13:1-4.1)

                        30.1.1 All instructors participating in a course authorized by the

Commission must be certified before they are permitted to teach except as set forth in this subchapter and except as provided for in an emergency as set forth in N.J.A.C. 13:1-7.2(a)13.

            30.2    Eligibility for Certification (13:1-4.2)

                        30.2.1 An individual who has completed two years of college, has a

minimum of three years of experience in his or her teaching specialty or career and can demonstrate knowledge and/or skill in a subject contained in a Commission- approved curriculum is eligible for consideration for instructor certification. The Commission may waive the educational and/or work experience requirement for a compelling reason.

            30.3    Certification Process (13:1-4.3)

                        30.3.1 An individual seeking instructor certification shall complete the

                        Commission-prescribed application and shall have his or her law enforcement agency's endorsement where applicable. The school director shall interview the applicant and, if there is an intention to utilize the services of the individual, shall then endorse the application and forward it to the Commission. Commission staff shall review the application and either approve or disapprove the request for certification as an instructor.

            30.4    Types of Certifications (13:1-4.4)

                        30.4.1 Police officers who have completed or will subsequently complete a

Commission- recognized instructor training course shall be entitled to a police instructor certification.

            30.5    Certification

                        30.5.1 Initial instructor certifications and renewals shall expire on

                        December 31 of the third year of the initial certification or renewal. As a condition of recertification, an instructor must teach at least once during the prior certification period.

                        30.5.2 The Commission may impose conditions with respect to any

certification and may withdraw certification at any time, or deny renewal, for good cause.

                        30.5.3 An instructor denied certification or renewal, or whose certification

                        was withdrawn by the Commission, may appeal the decision to the  Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A . 52:14B-1 et seq., and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Rules, N.J.A.C . 1:1.

            30.6    Certification requirements for Instructors of Certain Subjects

                        30.6.1 Applicants who seek certification to instruct in certain subjects must

                                    be certified as an instructor and meet the following requirements:

                                    An individual seeking certification as a firearms

instructor must successfully complete a Commission-recognized Firearms Instructors Course. In addition, under the immediate supervision of a school's range master, the individual must successfully:       Demonstrate knowledge of the

established range safety rules;

                                                         Identify the major parts of those firearms

which will be used in the training program;  

                                             Demonstrate the ability to safely handle

those firearms designated by the Commission under conditions such as the following: (1) Loading and unloading; (2) Using loading devices; (3) Clearing ammunition and weapon malfunctions; and (4) Cleaning and maintaining weapons properly;

                                             Demonstrate the knowledge and skills

required to teach the techniques of marksmanship and be able to identify the reasons that may be leading a trainee to possible failure; and

                                             Score no less than 95 in the

            Commission required firearms course.

            An individual seeking recertification as a firearms

instructor must annually satisfy the rangemaster of his or her ability to perform the requirements as set forth in through above and comply with an appropriate firearms requalification program.

                        An individual seeking certification as a rangemaster

must be certified by the Commission as a firearms instructor and meet each of the following requirements:

                                             Possess a minimum of five years active

experience as a certified firearms instructor at a Commission-approved school. The Commission may waive this requirement for compelling reasons;

                                             Have served in the capacity of a

certified firearms instructor under the supervision of a certified rangemaster during at least six basic firearms courses at a Commission-approved school; and

                                                         Receive the recommendation of the

school director at the school where the applicant will serve, and a rangemaster designated by the Commission to review the application. Both the school director and the rangemaster shall state in their recommendation to the Commission that the applicant is competent to perform the duties and responsibilities of rangemaster.

                        An individual seeking certification as a radar instructor

at a Commission approved school or at a law enforcement agency must meet the following requirements:       Prior completion of a course for radar

operators, which shall have included a minimum of eight hours of training consisting of four hours of classroom instruction and four hours of supervised practice training;

                                             Two years of experience as a radar

operator with a minimum of 80 hours of hands-on experience; and

                                             Successful completion of a Commission                                                                         recognized course for radar instructors.

                        An individual seeking certification as a physical

conditioning instructor at a Commission-approved school must successfully complete a Commission- approved course in physical conditioning and training instruction. The course will provide for the implementation of the Police Training Commission Physical Conditioning Training Program and include Principles of Exercise Physiology or substantially equivalent educational materials.

                        An individual seeking certification as a vehicle

operations instructor at a Commission-approved school must successfully complete a Commission-approved Vehicle Operations Instructors Course or one containing substantially equivalent instruction in driver training.

                        An individual seeking certification as a vehicle

operations senior instructor shall be certified as a vehicle operations instructor and meet each of the following requirements:

                                             Possess a minimum of five years of

active experience as an instructor teaching vehicle operations (Functional Area 7.0) at a Commission-approved school. The Commission may waive this requirement for compelling reasons;

                                             Have served in the capacity of a vehicle

operations instructor providing practical hands-on driver training instruction during at least four Commission-approved courses at a Commission-approved school. The Commission may waive this requirement for compelling reasons; and

                                             Receive the recommendation of the

school director at the school where the applicant will serve. The school director shall state in his or her recommendation that the applicant is competent to perform the duties and responsibilities of a vehicle operations senior instructor.

                        An individual seeking recertification as a vehicle

operations senior instructor must meet a continuing education requirement. Participation in a vehicle operations senior instructor update once every three years will satisfy this requirement.

30.7    Instructor Conduct

            30.7.1 All instructors are required to read and sign the New Jersey Police

                        Training Commission “Standards of Conduct for Instructors."

            30.7.2 All instructors shall be held to the highest standard of conduct

                        as established in the NJ PTC “Standards of Conduct for


            30.7.3 Instructors have an affirmative duty to advise the school director

and the Commission if he/she is the subject of a criminal investigation or a major disciplinary action.  Instructors have a corresponding affirmative duty to advise the school director and the Commission that he or she has received major discipline, has been convicted of a crime or a disorderly persons offenses or its equivalent in this State, another state, or the United States, or has applied for or been enrolled in a pre-trial diversion program. 

